Our customers made these suggestions for improving Poker Copilot. Suggestions for improving Poker Copilot.
Display Pot Odds
Add a bolt on which provides pot odds in real time as programs such as Holdem indicator do in order to allow calculation of drawing odds quickly.
Add a "Custom hand type" filter
Add a "Custom hand type" filter as it is in the "Date range" category so we can filter a specific hand type.
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Add EV/BB 100 stat on MTT section
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Add a matrix view of the hands played
Add a matrix view of the hands played. Colors indicate the profitability of the drawing and the choice of action with the selected hand(Rs, 3b, limp...)
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Add HUD support for ignition
Add support for new JACKPOT SNGs in ACR
ACR has completely changed the hand history format for these new Jackpot SNGs. Could you add support for it please?
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Add filter by stack size
It could have the following options
< 5BB
5BB to < 10BB
10BB to < 20BB
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Add new stat: W$WSF
W$WSF (Won Money When Saw the Flop)
Description: The percentage of times the player won money after seeing the flop.
Formula: ( Total times Won Money after seeing ...
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Add support for Chico network (e.g. BetOnline/SportsBetting)
Chico is one of the few US-supporting networks with decent Mac software. Although they claim to only support "online" hand histories, they actually appear to write a ...
Custom replayer themes
i prefered a graphics more simple with a different colour, like black and white
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Let a user have multiple databases
This allows coaches to import their students' hands, without messing up their own database.
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Player labels
Every poker client has their own ways how to mark players. Someone they are comfortable, some don't. It would be nice to allow us to make notes right inside ...
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Color Stars
Updating 6.13 Steve finally made the ability to mark hands very comfortable! What is missing is the ability to select the label type! I like the stars, but they lack ...
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Make dealer button more prominent in replayer
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Add action column
In the Players section it would be useful to have an additional column showing the player actions (example: B, XR, XC, C for Bet, check-raise, check-call and call).
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Include Steal from Cutoff Position in Blind Steal Attemps
Stealing from Cutoff position is a frequently used tactic and should be included in Blind Steal Attempts. This is a tactic suggested in most online poker books. It is ...
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Add all-in equity filter
Please add a filter (to the All-in equity section for ring games) that allows to show how many times I went all-in. What I really need to know is the number of hands ...
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Standard Deviation for Bankroll Graph
Would like to calculate std dev on BB/100 stat? Should be easy, no?
Idea Accepted!
CPFR by position
Why isn't it in the Hud yet?
Utterly important.
Make HUD work on PokerStars Zoom tables
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Allow "copy raw text" after selecting multiple hands
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Add a "Check fold stat"
Stat to indicate how often a player check folds when faced with a bet
Limp/fold stat
Limp / Fold stat would be very very helpful to destroy the recreational player.
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Dark Colors
Hi !
i would suggest to add dark colors to get less tired by a wihte screen.
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Table Tracker
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Add support for 6+ Holdem on PokerStars
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Add more features to work on the game.
Add more filters
Basic filters (Hiro preflop action and position, preflop opponents action and position)
Hand filters (matrix view)
Filters texture of the flop ...
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Create notes automatically
For example you can see automatically notes like
« PlayerXXX has moved Allin with 13BB UTG with KJo »
Or « PlayerYYY has call UTG+2 in a 2bet pot with A3s »
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Position stats
We need more precises stats for every position.
utg utg+1 utg+2 mp hj co btn sb bb.
3bet , f3bet every position staff like that
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Allow session to be paused
The "Current Session Overview" should allow someone to pause and restart their session.
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Display show-down winnings and non-show down-winnings as BB/100 in the Tournament Section
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Rename hud abbreviations
If you could change Pfr-MP to RMP so the hud isn't as big
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Add 'Hover and Show Info' function
When enabled this function will work this way
1 - Open the table and there's no hud showing
2 - Ok, I want to know the info the player next to me
3 - Hover the ...
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Stop SharkScope
Add button "start and stop SharkScope", and cache player info not only 1 hour and 24 hours, but 1 month, or any time what i want
sorry for my english))
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RCE (river call efficiency)
I would like an easy way to see my river call efficiency. Money won/money lost by calling river bets or raises only.
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Show opponent cards after all in on Hand Replayer
Currently after shoving the opponent hand is not shown.
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Add note to a hand
Very annoying not to be able to add some kind of note to a hand. It would turm the review process much more useful.
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Add more lines and columns to HUD for stats
More lines and columns for stats.
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Transparent HUD until Mouse Over
Have the option of low opacity and then full darkness and visibility when mouse over.
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Add "hit the flop" filter
Let me set it to true or false.
This will allow for some powerful analysis.
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Hand replayer should show bounty won
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Replayer should graphically show chips
It should display actual chips along with the betting amount.
It is quite hard to understand that there is some betting going on if there are no graphical ...
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Split Hud - bigger HUD/more lines
It's always nice if you can split a hud. Because you want more info. If you can cut the Hud let's say in 3 pieces, then you can build it around your villain to safe ...
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Make Player Notes Accessible from Replayer
In PC6, I can't seem to access player notes via the HUD stats in the replayer. Would be nice to not have to go to search out the player in the main window.
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